One Act Play Information
This is a remarkable thing about democracy, that we are notified by mail to come down to this place—and decide on the guilt or innocence of a person; of a man or woman we have not known before. We have nothing to gain or lose by our verdict. We should not make it a personal thing.
~ Juror No. Eleven
One Act Play Performances
RESUME INFORMATIONEveryone who is applying for One Act, whether auditioning for Cast or interviewing for Crew, MUST submit a resume. Please create your Tech Resume using the template below.
Save your resume as a Word document or a PDF using the following title format: Firstname_Lastname_vDateMonthYear For example: Shannon_Lindsay_v1AUG23 There is a spot on the application where you can upload your resume. ResourcesThe following are notes on the characters from the script. They are merely for reference and I am not necessarily committed to portraying our characters according to these descriptions. I offer them merely as a starting point for you!
Audition SelectionsPlease prepare ONE of the SCENE options & TWO of the MONOLOGUE options:
For your audition, you do NOT need to have your pieces memorized! You SHOULD be VERY familiar with the words (including pronunciation and meaning). This is a unique Ensemble in that everyone is on stage the entire time. I'm looking for people who can make strong choices, commit to them and justify the scene. You will have Readers in the room with you to interact with and play off of. We will also have a table and chairs available for you.
Important Dates for Rehearsals & Performances